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Your Guide to Roof Water Damage

Roof water damage can be an emergency. Any form of unexpected moisture demands proactive intervention. To understand and identify the common signs of water damage, A-1 Roofing Inc. in Port Orchard, Olympia, and Aberdeen, WA, is here to serve as your trusted guide.

Roof damage from water needs repair in Port Orchard, Olympia & Aberdeen, WA

Protect Your Investment with Confidence

At A-1 Roofing Inc., we strive to empower our community with the knowledge required to protect their investments confidently. As such, we’re here to highlight the causes and signs of water damage and the most effective water damage prevention tips. Count on us to ensure your property remains dry, safe, and secure.

Understanding the Root of Water Damage

Water damage can result from several factors. It is often the result of roof leaks caused by age-related deterioration or inclement weather. However, water damage can also stem from faulty plumbing, foundational damage, or a leaking HVAC unit. When these problems occur, homeowners are left facing several unfavorable issues.

The Common Signs of Water Damage

The signs of water damage vary depending on the underlying source of the moisture. Some of the common signs that indicate of water damage include:

  • Pooling or dripping water
  • The sound of dripping water
  • Unpleasant odors
  • Discoloration and/or water stains on your walls, ceilings, or floors
  • Corroded and/or rusted plumbing fixtures
  • Visible roof damage
Water Damage Health Risks

A roof leak or faulty plumbing fixture is more than a minor inconvenience. These issues can be hazardous to your health. Excess moisture creates the ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew growth. Exposure to mold and mildew is known to cause respiratory difficulties, increased allergy symptoms, and various other health complications.

Structural Water Damage

A roof leak begins small and virtually unnoticeable. However, it does not take long for moisture to spread. When moisture intrusions begin to penetrate the wood rafters and supportive elements of your property, you may face structural water damage, costly repairs and replacements, and, in severe cases, even the risk of collapse.

Water Damaged Appliances

Water damage is notorious for compromising expensive appliances. This is particularly true for appliances located in the lower levels of your property. Washing machines, ovens, dryers, and water heaters are not designed to withstand excessive moisture, leaving them vulnerable to irreparable damage should they come in contact with water intrusions.

Surface Deterioration

Structural water damage is not necessarily obvious. These issues are not always immediately apparent, making it imperative to regularly assess your space for symptoms of surface deterioration, which may include:

  • Wall discoloration and/or watermarks
  • Peeling wallpaper or paint
  • Visible mold/mildew growth
  • Bubbling ceilings
  • Cracks in the walls, ceilings, or floors
  • Uneven or warped flooring
Electrical, Plumbing, & HVAC System Malfunctions

When structural water damage is left unattended, moisture may find its way into the walls that house your electrical, plumbing, and HVAC components. This opens the door to many hazards, including plumbing corrosion, electrical shorts, an elevated risk of electrical shock, and complete system failures, which require excessive expenditure to restore.

How Long Does It Take for Signs of Water Damage to Show?

Water damage is tricky to detect. These issues may present immediate warning signs, but, more often than not, water damage develops gradually, only offering symptoms once the problem has escalated. The timeline for the onset of water damage depends on the cause, size, and location of the problem.

Water Damage Prevention Made Simple

Water damage may strike unexpectedly. However, it can be prevented with a little extra effort and attentive care. To keep the risk of water damage to a minimum, we recommend:

  • Schedule routine foundation and roof leak inspections
  • Address signs of water damage the moment they appear
  • Keep your gutters clean
  • Invest in effective property drainage

Our Water Damage Restoration Services

You do not have to navigate the signs of water damage alone. A-1 Roofing Inc. is equipped to detect and correct minor to complex moisture intrusion issues. Leveraging extensive expertise and state-of-the-art technology, we provide water damage restoration services to businesses and homeowners in Port Orchard, Olympia, and Aberdeen, WA.

Contact A-1 Roofing Inc. to Alleviate Water Damage

Don’t let a minor water damage concern spiral into an intricate and costly headache. Eliminate the underlying cause behind the signs of water damage in your home or business with A-1 Roofing in Port Orchard, Olympia, and Aberdeen, WA. To schedule your consultation and request your free estimate, contact our team today.