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Exploring Winter Water Damage

Washington is no stranger to bitter winters. With these chilly seasons comes an elevated risk of winter water damage. To preserve the integrity of your property, A-1 Roofing Inc. is your guide to detecting, addressing, and preventing winter water damage in Port Orchard, Olympia, and Aberdeen, WA.

Winter water damage causing roof leaks in Port Orchard, Olympia & Aberdeen, WA

Understanding Water Damage in the Winter Months

The cooler months are notorious for sparking issues related to water damage. Winter water damage may result from roof leaks, plumbing issues, and a handful of other factors. No matter the source, these concerns must be identified and promptly addressed to mitigate widespread structural deterioration, health and safety hazards, and costly expenditures.

The Underlying Causes of Winter Water Damage

Understanding the reason behind water damage in the winter is your first line of defense against accidentally overlooking symptoms of concern. Common causes of winter water damage include:

  • Frozen plumbing pipes
  • Roof leaks
  • Ice dams
  • Obstructed gutters and/or downspouts
  • Inclement weather
  • Water heater leaks
  • Exterior drainage system damage
  • Sump pump backups

Signs of Winter Water Damage

No matter the cause, all forms of winter water damage will cause damage. While types of water damage may vary, they commonly include:

  • Water stains/discoloration
  • Sagging or uneven flooring
  • Mold and mildew growth
  • Unpleasant odors
  • Cold or damp areas
  • Foundation or wall cracks
  • Unexplainably high utility bills
  • Visible pools of water
  • Plumbing fixture rust/corrosion

How to Prevent Water Damage During the Winter

At A-1 Roofing Inc., we make it our mission to keep our customers safe and comfortable year-round. As such, we have mastered the most effective ways to prevent water damage during the winter months. To reinforce structural stability and safety, we’re here to share our favorite helpful winter water damage prevention tips.

  • Prioritize Proper Insulation
    Winter water damage often involves frozen pipes, which will freeze quite rapidly without proper insulation. To prevent this challenge, prioritize insulation before winter arrives. Reliable pipe insulation is especially critical for water lines located in the walls of attics, basements, crawlspaces, and other minimally insulated areas.
  • Clear Out Your Gutters & Downspouts
    Cleaning your gutters and downspouts before the cold arrives can help you avoid winter water damage. These crucial fixtures are responsible for rerouting excess moisture away from your home. When clogged, their ability to transport melting snow and ice from your roof becomes compromised, increasing the risk of roof leaks.
  • Sump Pump Inspections
    Sump pumps move moisture away from the low points of your property. To ensure your sump pump is equipped to handle melting snow and ice, we recommend scheduling a professional inspection during the fall, followed by routine monitoring throughout the winter. These assessments verify the integrity of the plugs, breakers, and lines to ensure optimal performance.
  • Periodically Inspect for Leaks
    From roof to plumbing leaks, it’s important to remain vigilant. To mitigate winter water damage, schedule a proactive plumbing and roofing inspection with A-1 Roofing Inc. Be sure to watch for tell-tale signs of a leak, such as unexplainably increased utility costs, random cool or damp areas, and water stains.
  • Adjust Your Thermostat
    Setting your thermostat to a reasonable temperature is an excellent way to prevent water damage during the winter. The best practice is to keep your indoor temperature higher than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. A consistent temperature above 55 degrees protects against thermal shocks, frozen plumbing pipes, and other unfavorable issues that may otherwise cause winter water damage.
  • Pay Close Attention to Appliances
    Water heaters, dishwashers, and other household appliances are known culprits of winter water damage. Fortunately, you can safeguard your belongings with proactive intervention. Routinely inspect these fixtures and swap out degraded hoses and components to minimize the risk of winter water damage.
  • Be Prepared in the Event of a Winter Water Damage Emergency
    Even the most diligent winter water damage prevention efforts may fall short. As such, it’s essential to be ready in the event of an emergency. Develop a winter water damage contingency plan that outlines the location and how to shut off your main water line and electrical breaker box.

Combat Winter Water Damage With A-1 Roofing Inc.

Whether you’re looking to get proactive with a comprehensive roof leak inspection or seeking to remedy winter water damage, you’ve come to the right place. A-1 Roofing Inc. is your source for winter water damage restoration services in Port Orchard, Olympia, and Aberdeen. Contact us today to request your free estimate.