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A new roof installed on a house in Port Orchard, Olympia & Aberdeen, WA

Comprehensive FAQ About Roof Replacement

A roof is a critical investment. To help you make the most effective choices for your new roof installation, A-1 Roofing Inc. is here to serve as your guide. Discover answers to commonly asked roof replacement questions with a premier roofing contractor in Port Orchard, Olympia, and Aberdeen, WA.

There are several possible roofing problems. To mitigate costly damage and premature roof replacement, getting familiar with these potential issues is imperative. The common signs of roofing problems include:

  • Loose, damaged, or missing shingles
  • Leaks and/or interior water stains
  • Exposed roofing hardware
  • Asphalt granules in your gutters
  • Algae/moss growth

If you detect a roof leak, it’s important to act quickly to prevent further deterioration. First, you will want to contact a reputable roofing contractor to assess the damage. Proactive intervention often results in prompt and efficient repairs. If you leave a roof leak unaddressed, it can lead to premature roof replacement.

Asphalt shingle roofing is a term used to cover several different types of shingles. Three-tab asphalt shingles are the most common choice and are known for being economical. We also offer architectural asphalt shingles that mirror the appearance of more costly materials while providing extended durability.

At A-1 Roofing Inc., we work with you to determine the right roofing materials for your needs. As the best roofing materials vary from person to person, we employ a collaborative approach to learn about your budget, aesthetic preferences, and long-term functional requirements to provide personalized recommendations that meet your needs and expectations.

Roof replacement timelines are influenced by several factors, such as the size, the type of roofing materials, the complexity of the project, and the weather. Standard roofs may take no more than one day, and more expansive projects can take up to three weeks.

At A-1 Roofing Inc., we strive to help our customers make the right choices for their homes. We not only offer top-rated service, but we also stand behind our work. All of our roof replacement and new roof installation services are covered by a comprehensive labor and roofing material warranty.

We recommend partnering with a reputable roofing contractor to secure the right roofing materials. At A-1 Roofing, we work with our customers to understand their visual objectives, functional requirements, budget, and timeline specifications. This enables us to make personalized recommendations to encourage seamless roof replacement.

At A-1 Roofing Inc., we are committed to remaining at the forefront of roofing innovations. To do our part for the environment, we provide the latest in energy-efficient roofing materials. Our options include cool roof replacement materials designed to combat excess sunlight, composite shingle roofs, and other recycled materials.

With A-1 Roofing Inc., new roof installation is a breeze. Do not worry about preparing your existing roof. To ensure a seamless roof replacement experience, we ask that you move your vehicles from the driveway and ensure there are no obstructions surrounding the perimeter of your home.

The longevity of your roof replacement depends on the materials, quality of installation, and maintenance. On average, asphalt shingles roofing offers up to 20 years of performance with proper care. On the other hand, while initially more expensive, metal roof installation boasts a lifespan of up to 70 years.

A new metal roof installation will not increase the chances of attracting lightning. Though metal is conductive, metal roofing materials are no more vulnerable than traditional asphalt shingles. Should your metal roof be struck by lightning, the metal will work to disperse the energy safely into the ground beneath your foundation.

Contrary to popular belief, metal roof installation is less likely to succumb to hail damage than other alternatives. While standard asphalt shingles often becomes dislodged by the impact of hail, metal roofing is crafted to be resilient and durable, enabling it to remain intact.

A roof replacement is a major investment. To ensure you’re making a wise decision for your home, it’s important to ensure your prospective roofing contractor is well-vetted. We recommend asking about the following:

  • Company insurance
  • Company and/or employee licensing
  • Roofing material certification
  • BBB-accreditations
  • Roofing warranty information

A trustworthy roofing contractor should have no problem providing:

  • A physical address and local phone number
  • Proof of insurance, licensing, and bonding
  • Client reviews and portfolio of past projects
  • Information regarding their roofing warranty
  • Upfront, no-obligation estimates

Get Started with a Complimentary Roof Replacement Estimate

Embrace the highest standards of quality service with Port Orchard, Olympia, and Aberdeen, WA’s premier roofing contractor. Whether you’re seeking a minor roof leak repair or a complete overhaul, A-1 Roofing Inc. has you covered. Contact our team today to learn more or to schedule your consultation and complimentary estimate.

Quality Workmanship, Guaranteed Results